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IS NCA FULLY ACCREDITED BY WASC?Yes, absolutely. NCA has been fully accredited by WASC since 2005.
HOW SELECTIVE IS NCA?NCA is very selective of its students. However, each applicant is evaluated holistically by the admissions officers. We are not looking for just high performing students, but rather, those who can flourish in NCA's rigorous yet supportive environment.
WHAT MAKES NCA'S TEACHERS SPECIAL?NCA's teachers are qualified, effective, and caring instructors. They make student achievement and success the primary purpose of our academic program. Further, NCA's teachers engage in ongoing professional development. As part of a professional learning community (PLC), they are constantly researching and implementing effective instructional strategies to ensure student success.
NCA SEEMS LIKE A SMALL SCHOOL. DOESN'T THAT LIMIT MY CHILD'S EXPOSURE TO A VARIETY OF PROGRAMS?NCA's programs are quite robust and diverse. The school's size allows your child to participate in almost all programs offered, such as Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Cross Country, and dozens of other extracurricular activities. Therefore, NCA can actually be more conducive to student involvement and participation.
HOW IS TECHNOLOGY UTILIZED TO ENHANCE STUDENT LEARNING AT NCA?NCA is a leader in integrating technology into instruction. For one, NCA is a 100% wirelessly connected school. All students in Grades 6-12 use their own devices and are given completely digital, online curriculum for their core subject classes. Put differently, NCA's 6-12th graders use digital textbooks, take online quizzes and assessments (in addition to in-person, hard copy assessments), and can even take a variety of online electives. For students from Kindergarten to 5th grade, NCA provides digital devices (Chromebooks, iPads, Fire Tablets). In fact, NCA was featured at iNACOL (International Association for K-12 Online Learning) conference for being an exemplary school that uses technology to enrich student learning.
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